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Writer's picture: Tenmile Lakes AssociationTenmile Lakes Association

Tenmile Lakes Association

October MEETING 10/04/2023

Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm


Betty and Gerry Ewing, Debbie Newman, Dee Drumned, Alan Whitney, Suzie McDaniel, Shane Anderson, Greta Krost, Diane Snyder


Sept. Minutes were approved. 

Presidents Report

See Below

Vice Presidents Report

The history dinner went very well. 

Secretary Report

Asked permission to attach Treasuer’s report to notes vs. transcribing them. Motion approved. 

Member at Large Report

Nothing new from the lake.  Asked for a thank you card with letterhead.(Greta) Get set up with square? (Betty)


Suggestion - Planning focused meeting in Jan 2024, date to be determined. Suzie will organize. 

In-stream project -  Donations needed for ongoing maintenance and insurance. 

TLBP Report

Benson Creek - The tribe has determined that the Benson Creek Project needs to have a specialist present when ground disturbing has occurred with additional costs. 

Big Creek project - waiting on the appraisal for the property for TLBP to purchase. 

Oct 5, at 4 pm at TLBP office, is a meeting to update the public on blue-green algae.  

Lake level: 4.9’ measured via Dee Drummond. The gauge is broken, not repairable, and must be replaced. 


History Dinner - A BIG thank you to the group who got the last-minute donations! Suggestions for the next speaker could be Elliott State Forest or from Yacht Club. Suggestion to sell raffle tickets for a prize and 50/50 TLA and winner split

New Business

Motion approved for Nov. meeting to focus on active member email communications, TLA marketing/communication guide for events, need for membership coordinator/website content

Treasurer’s Report



Billeter Marine (creek restoration

damage)                                            $ 3874.51

Lakeshore Lodge (history

dinner)                                              $1697.00

mail chimp                                        $    13.00


total expenses:                                  $5584.51


tickets for history dinner:            $1094.00

silent auction items:                      $1030.00

donations to TLA:                         $1100.00

dues(less paypal)    


Paypal giving fund:                               1.00


total income:                                  $3322.00

history dinner: 

ticket sales:      $2184.54

silent auction:  $1030.00


total:                 $3214.54

less costs:      -  $1697.00


net income :    $1517.54


total donations for creek restoration:$80,547.57

total expenses creek restoration:        $75,133.56

balance  in checking account:$29,443.80

balance in savings account:               1.00


total:                                         $29,443.80

note:someone combined donations to TLA and TLBP on same check, so TLBP owed $100 from TLA 

submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA 

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