Tenmile Lakes Association
May MEETING 05/03/2023
Lakeshore Lodge and via zoom at 5:30 PM
Debbie Newman, Greta Krost, Mike Mader, Gerry and Betty Ewing, Alan Whitney, Dee Drummond, and Diane Snyder
Minutes from April 2023
President’s Report
See below
Vice President’s Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
Motion approved to post notes without review for efficiency.
Treasurer’s Report
There was no March meeting so this report is from March to April
Expenses: 13.00
Dues: 15.00
balance in checking account: 37,655.57
balance in savings account: 1.00
cash on hand: 45.62
Note: error in total balance on April 5, 2023 treasure’s report: total of checking account, savings account and case is: 37,700.19
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
May 7 Commodores Lake at 2 pm is the opening race of the yacht club. Come and watch.
Adult sailing school is May 20 at 10 am.
CBYC kids sailing school for July 31st through August 6.
TLBP Report
TLBP thanked TLA for the letter of support for grant funds of $521k for Benson Creek. Lone Rock has matched in kind funding.
State of the Lakes is in August and will report out on Algae Study as well as other important topics.
Completed a grant application for $121k for monitoring.
Outreach Committee
Earth Day Lake Clean Up (April 22) – Earth Day clean up was a success. Thank you volunteers and Les Schwab for donating a dumpster!
Fourth of July Fireworks – Meeting to occur to between Fire Department, City, and John Reiss
Experience Lakeside June 16. Does anyone want to have a TLA booth? - No volunteers available
History dinner – Ideas for speakers - Tom Fransway has a speaker system TLA can use.
Hot Air Balloon - table until June Meeting to find out more.
Membership Report
Big thanks Blume Bauer for sending a TLA email about events.
Old Business
New ‘slow no wake’ signs put up in the channel by Todd Krost via donation of signs from marine sheriff.
Lake Gauge Report 9.28’
New Business
Fire department received a grant to place 140 to 170 dock signs. They asked TLA and TLBP to come up with a list of permanent residences on the lake via the county voting residencies. If you want a sign and are not a permanent residence, call the fire department. Alan will check the voter residency and contact the fire department.
Meeting adjourned 6:35 PM