Tenmile Lakes Association
May MEETING 05/01/2024
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm
Board Members: Alan Whitney, Gerry Ewing, Debbie Newman,
Guests: Shane Anderson, Dee Drummond, Brad Ballif, Jerry Zack, John Reiss, Lorna and David Clarke,
April minutes approved.
Presidents Report
Al has pictures of logs in the creek. Donation re still needed for on-going maintenance for log restoration project. Earth Day Clean up was very successful. The 30 yd dumpster was filled to the top. Much thanks Les’ Sanitary for donating dumpster, those who boatedin debris from the lake, the volunteers who helped coordinate, provide manual labor and fed those who helped.
Vice Presidents Report
Not present
Secretary Report
Not present - Dee Drummond taking notes
Member at Large Report
Promoted volunteering at UTV take over June 25-30, 8 am to 8 pm: 5 hr shifts. Gerry and Al have volunterred.
Experience Lakeside - August 2.
Large Item pickup - Sat Aug 24.
State of the Lakes - Fri Aug 23
TLBP Report
Repair of the TLBP lake gauge is still in progress.
Wetland project tours with tribes, TLA, USFS, more to follow.
The Algae drinking water study is on going.
Weed project in canal. Joe Cowan lake weeds removal will be done first, lily pads later. Short term access has been agreed too. DSL, State marine Board, Sheriff Dept, Fire Dept are notified.
Ralph Dodson, Lakeside Fire Department
Putting up addresses on lake properties is complete. If needed for new or missed property contact Lakeside Fire Dept.
In the past few weeks a vehicle went into the lake at the County boat launch, fuel containment was required to be done by fire dept. There is no budget for absorbent matieras (booms for containment, etc) and used fuel costs. All material has now been used for this procedure. The Fire Dept doesn’t get much funding from the State unless the situation is declared a state approved emergency. Materials are needed to replace the ones used. Donactions are neded since the Fire Dept cover Tenmiles Lakes. Your donation can be listed for what you would like for it to go towards.
Beg letter discussion
Treasurer’s Report
