Sept MEETING 9.01.21
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw, Lenore Shaw, John Reiss, Doug Freeman
Minutes from August 2021
Minutes were not printed for the meeting. Postponed for approval for Oct. Meeting. Aug notes are on the TLA website.
President’s Report
See below
Vice President’s Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Oregon Dept. of Justice CT-12 Form 50.00
Merit Accounting special projects
forms 499.00
total 549.00
large item pick-up(less 9.43
pay pal) 490.57
dues;(less 9.91 pay pal ) 390.09
donations: (less 5.65 paypal) 210.00
total: 1090.66
balance in checking account: 40871.99
balance in savings account: 1.00
balance in pay pal: .00
cash on hand: 24.62
total: 40,897.61
total donations for creek restoration: $80,445..26
total expenses for creek restoration: $55,939.90
total carried over for 2022 fireworks: $ 3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
Need more volunteers for large item pick-up
TLBP Report
1. Coleman Arm Bottom Aeration Project Update:
- TLBP has received one bid and is expecting a second after Central PUD develops costs to upgrade site.
- Devils Lake Boat Tour. Al can report
- 404 permit has be approved by the County and ACOE. Was submitted to DSL in June.
2. TLBP completed Beaver fir post lines on three tributaries.
3. State of the Lakes –
- 74 people signed in
- Reach many new, very new, lakefront owners.
- Thank the Eel~Tenmile STEP group for lending the tables and barbeques
- Thanks to Al and Debbie for running the front table. Great Job.
4. The Tenmile Lamprey Team is still radio tracking over 10 adult Pacific Lamprey and are currently conducting foot and aerial radio tracking surveys.
5. First TLBP meeting after summer break is September 11, 2021.
6. Algae Report- As of this date no algae toxin samples have been taken this year.
TLBP staff making weekly, sometimes daily visual observations at the 3 monitoring sites.
TLBP has received pictures last week from Lakefront Owners of blooms occurring on Coleman and Devore Arm.
Outreach Committee
Large Item Dumpster - Filled dumpster. Need more volunteers for next year.
History dinner - Postponed. Jack Bowran would have been the speaker. Alan will look at recording Jack. Maybe we will record his speech during a TLA meeting.
Labor day boat parade - Sunday 5th at 1 pm - start on Ringo’s south lake and head to north lake. Do not recommend any V-drive boats through the canal, due to low water.
Membership Report
Membership report – donations, website - Please donate
Creek Restoration Project
Working but needs repair. TLA got a bid of $10,000 to repair the in-stream restoration.
Lake Gauge Report
7.28’ May 5
6.23’ June 2
6.00’ July 7
5.3’ August 4
4.5’ Sept 1
Old Business
Lifejacket Station - A lake property owner donated life vests! All sizes available.
Lakeshore Stewardship - Handed out at State of the Lakes Dinner.
Membership Coordinator - Greta to come up with job description/skills for position with the help of members by Sept 11 if possible for TLBP meeting or next TLA meeting.
Perch Derby - Raised $350 for TLA from entry fees. Thank you Ringo’s!
New Business
Members approved board members for 2022:
Election of Board: Alan Whitney: President, Debbie Newman: Treasurer, Diane Snyder: Vice President, Mike Shaw: Member at Large; Greta Krost: Secretary
Meeting adjourned 7:00 PM