October MEETING 10.07.2020
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Julie Robbers, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw, John Reiss, Renee Towan, Jim Towan, Ken Ireland, Alicia Douglas
Minutes from September 2020
Minutes approved
President’s Report
Motion approved to give a ‘Thank You’ gift for the TLBP and Mike Mader for their assistance for the in-stream lake restoration project. Details to be determined.
Approved for TLA members who were involved (Alan and John) to investigate details and TLA approved a thank you plan with a cap of $2,000.
Vice President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Julie Robbers-dump charges: 192.36
Johnson Rock-creek restor. : 40163.00
pay pal giving fund: 2.00
creek restoration: 200.00
balance in checking account: 44164.36
balance in savings account: 1.00
cash on hand: 49.67
total donations for creek restoration: 80,438.46
raffle tickets (from prior reports) 530.00
total expenses for creek restoration:51,237.83
total for 2021 fireworks: 3208.81
Submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer
TLA approved treasures report
Member at Large Report
Nothing to report.
TLBP Report
Looking at purchasing lowlands around Big Creek. Estimated cost for survey was $30,000, which is twice the amount as initially expected.
Projects to encourage beaver habitat on private/state land with approval from landowner.
Outreach Committee
Most things on are on hold due to Covid.
Next event is on Earth Day, May 1st.
Still wants to do a history dinner, but unsure of logistics. Maybe outside, smaller number of people, etc. It has been sold out every year.
Think ahead for July 4th event – snack shack.
Membership Report
Do you need paying members to be a non-profit? TLA is thinking of not charging money for memberships unless it impacts non-profit status.
Old Business
Thank you letters for fire department, Deputy Sheriff Jon Holder, and people who made ‘large’ contributions to restoration project – John Reiss
Greta to look at graphics/style for general thank you card.
In-stream Restoration Project
TLA and others plugged small leak with sandbags, etc.
Put up portage signs.
Did not observe a water level difference between upstream/downstream of. Is the creek influenced by the tide?
Lake Gauge Report
The day the instream restoration was completed, the lake level was 5.55 ft above sea level, today it is 5.65 ft.
Health of the Lake
The lake is above drinking water standards due to blue green algae.
Lake Improvement
Alan talked about the ‘Lake Savers’ (a type of bubbler and enzymes) to help with algae, muck, weeds. Success in parts of Devils Lake (near Lincoln City). The TLBP and Tribes are interested in this process. TLA could help with raising money, outreach, etc. see www.lake-savers.com
Lake floating outhouses: Alan emailed Bob Main, but he has not heard anything regarding rebuilding floating outhouses.
Members discussed that the process of dredging the channel – It is both a regulatory process and well as a cost factor, and where to put the spoils.
Wake boats
Is Tenmile Lakes an appropriate lake for large wake boats?
What is the regularity procedure?
Table topic for next month
New Business
Can the TLA assist on getting a life jacket station at the county docks? It needs to come from a non-profit. There is a 13-page grant request from OR State Marine Board. Julie will fill out form. Motion approved to try to work on life jacket station/life ring on docks effort.
Tax concerns from lack of filing in past year have been waived from IRS.
Meeting adjourned 7:35pm