Nov MEETING 11.03.21
Location: Lakeshore Lodge, Time: 6 pm
Alan Whitney, Debbie Newman, Dee Drummond, Greta Krost, Mike Shaw, John Reiss, Cathay Reiss, Diane Snyder
Minutes from Oct 2021
President’s Report
The creek was running upstream, due to high tides
Vice President’s Report
Not present
Secretary’s Report
October notes posted to website
Treasurer’s Report
Expenses: none
dues: $125.00 ( less 3.47 PayPal)
creek restoration: 10.00 ( less .69 PayPal)
$135.00 (less 4.16 Pay Pal)
balance in checking account: $41,002.83
balance in savings account: 1.00
balance in pay pal: .00
cash on hand: 34.62
total: 40,038.45
total donations for creek restoration: $80,454.57
total expenses for creek restoration: $55,939.90
total carried over for 2022 fireworks: $ 3,208.81
submitted by Debbie Newman, treasurer of TLA
Member at Large Report
Nothing to report
TLBP Report
Discussion of new MOU for lake improvement with TLPB and others. Committee concerns - $10,000 cost for aeration maintenance vs focusing fundraising on a TLA project like dredging the canal, … Will discuss further at Dec meeting when members have a chance to read MOU.
Federal Grant from DEQ for $15 million across the State of Oregon. May be based on income ($55k annual income). Opportunity to be explored for how to get tenmile lake front homeowners financial assistance to upgrade their septic systems. DEQ wants local organizations to do the work, DEQ reached out to TLBP. TLA needs a local plan to outreach to lake owners.
Outreach Committee
History dinner - Alan will invite Jack Bowran for the TLA December meeting at Lodge. John will record.
Membership Report
Membership report – Motion for Greta, Michelle, and Blume to work on membership coordinator duties.
Cathy mentioned a tip for homeowners is to put Copper sulfate into the distribution tank of septic systems to help clean out the leach lines.
Lake Gauge Report
5.3’ August 4
4.5’ Sept 1
XX’ Oct
8.98’ Nov
Old Business
Update on Tenmile Creek Restoration - currently underwater
Lake improvement aeration project - TLPB is still waiting for bids
Algae report - More algae in the lake now then in September.
Wake Signs are still available
New Business
Action Items - Oregon State Marine Board - Channel needs new ‘Slow No Wake Signs’.
Meeting adjourned 7:00 PM