Tenmile Lakes Association
August MEETING 08/07/2024
Lakeshore Lodge at 5:30 pm
Board Members: Alan Whitney, Gerry Ewing, Diane Snyder, Greta Krost
Guests: Mike Mader, Suzie McDaniel, Brittany Thomas, John and Cathy Reiss, Dee Drummond, Betty Ewing
June minutes were approved.
Presidents Report
See Below
Vice Presidents Report
Nothing to report
Secretary Report
Greta only checks emails 1x per month and forwards emails to Alan. Alan said that the system is working.
Member at Large Report
In July, Alan (5 hrs) and Gerry (20 hrs) volunteered at the UTV take over and raised $300 for TLA.
State of the Lakes - Fri Aug 16 at 5 pm at Lions. $10 donation
Large Item pickup - Sat Aug 24. Dee will ask Tenmile Barge to volunteer on N Lake? Gerry volunteered to push barge if needed. Lakeowners should call or email Alan to get on a list for pick up (1 to 2 weeks) ahead of time. Items need to be on the dock. Donations appreciated. Cathy Reiss has contact for a teen group on the lake.
Handmade bench raffle Lakeside marina. Winner will be drawn on Labor Day.
History Dinner, Sept 13 at Lakeshore Lodge - Ms. Browncomb will be the speaker on the Elliot State Forest from Department of State Lands. Need raffle items. Alan asked Board members for donation items. Suzie and Betty to work on other donations.
TLBP Report
Wetland restoration progress - Done with Benson Creek in Aug. Thanked Cathy Reiss for her help.
State of the Lakes on Friday Aug 16 at 5 pm at Lions Club. Dinner and Speakers. TLA has a booth to get donations and ‘members’. $10 donation
The TLBP Lake gauge is still down. Unsure why it isn't fixed. Been busy with restoration. However, the OregonBass.com has a gauge to view online, except for the water temp.
Alan looked at the creek project today and looks good. Holding at 2 to 2.5’ above creek, which means its retaining the lake level. There is a small leak which appears stable.
The Algae drinking water study is on going.
Weed project in canal occurred Aug 7 from 7am to 11am. He will be back in 4 weeks to do the weed puller part. Thank you Alan and Gerry for manning the canal for lake users.
Lake level: 6.1’ - holding due to the
New Business
TLA Elections are in September. Board recommendations are in by Aug, so we vote in September.
Beg letter discussion
Get Suzie access to the website, so she can update.
Treasurer’s Report