May 8, 2020 / Special Meeting
Alan Whitney, Julie Robbers, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Mike Shaw, and Ken Robbers.
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the board held a special meeting in person with social distancing to deal with current and upcoming projects, cancellations, and postponements. The regular meeting for May was canceled.
Minutes from April 2020
Ken made a motion to approve, Debbie seconded, all in favor. Minutes from April Special meeting approved.
President’s Report
Will discuss topics further into the meeting.
Vice President’s Report
To be discussed during outreach portion of meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report at this time.
Treasurer’s Report
The current account balance is $63,122.46
Creek Restoration donations – $1101.20
Oregon Department of Justice $96.36
DEQ (404 Permit) $985
Merit Accounting $514
Porior Engineering $8362
Website hosting renewal $190
Checking $63071.89
Paypal $0
Savings Account $1.00
Cash on hand $49.57
Total Raised for Creek Restoration Project to date – $58,030.46 (after expenses, current Creek Restoration total $48,683.46)
Total Raised for 2020 Fireworks – $3208.81
Taxes have been paid and submitted with the help of Angie Cowan
Debbie is meeting with Angie quarterly to keep the financial records in line with reporting for taxes
Member at Large Report
Apple trees on the lake look good!
TLBP Report
No meetings during COVID19 restrictions.
Mike Mader is working from home.
Mader said that they have 2-4 possible large wood trees donated to the Creek Restoration Project. Trees would be donated and transported to the site as part of the donation.
State of the Lakes is scheduled for August 14th
Outreach Committee
Earth Week Clean Up
Alan and Julie made signs for the barges
Alan placed his barge on South Lake and it’s almost full
Ken & Julie are going to use their dump trailer to take stuff to the dump
History Dinner
Postponed to October
Date TBD
Wine & Chocolate Tour
Postponed until we’re able to gather in social settings
Independence Day Celebration
No TLA snack shack if the fireworks move forward
Lake Item Swapmeet & Membership Drive
Labor Day Weekend (first weekend of September)
Each “vendor” gets a tarp space on the ground
People can bring all lake and/or nautical items, boat stuff, or cabin stuff
Hold it at the county park
Possibly have a snack shack?
Large Item Pickup
August 22nd
Must call Alan or Julie to schedule the pickup and make arrangements
Membership Report
John Reiss not in attendance
Lake Gauge Report
Approximately 9 feet
Tabled until Mike Shaw is added to the bank account as a signer
Board Liability Insurance
General liability portion of the bid pulled out
Alan is working with insurance agent to find someone who will take us on and cover the board’s liability
The quote was $650-$750/year for board liability
Julie will follow up with insurance agent to see if she can help it move forward
Lake Aeration Proposal
Waiting on word from Richard Litts for an additional presentation
It was suggested that this not be a TLA project, but instead a TLBP project
Meeting adjourned 4:30pm