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Writer's pictureTenmile Lakes Association

Lake Monitoring

From Portland State University:

Call for Oregon Lake Monitoring Volunteers


Help us detect aquatic invasive species and monitor water quality by attending our upcoming Oregon Lake Monitoring Training Sessions.

Who is looking out for our lakes?

It could be you! At an Oregon Lake Watch (OLW) training session, we can train you to monitor water quality and to find aquatic invasive pests like zebra mussels and aquatic weeds before they become a problem. Sound like a fun and worthy cause? If so, we have training sessions scheduled in:

Sign up or request training at other locations on our training session sign up form. 

At the training sessions you'll learn:

  • how to survey and identify aquatic plant, crayfish, snail, and mussel species

  • how to monitor and interpret water quality data lake water clarity

  • document and view your findings using the iNaturalist and Lake Observer mobile apps

We'll provide the equipment necessary for monitoring. Once you've completed your training and complete two sampling trips per year, you'll receive free membership with our partner organization, the Oregon Lakes Association. If you aren't sure if you want to commit to volunteering with OLW, but want to learn more about invasive species and water quality, come to one of our trainings!

Please consider joining us and pass this invitation along to your friends. We need your help in looking out for Oregon's Lakes.

Thanks, hope to see you soon.

Dr. Angela Strecker and Rich Miller

Tenmile Lake, 2018. Lakeside, Oregon - Oregon Coast. Photo courtesy of The Yellow Desk.
Tenmile Lake, 2018. Lakeside, Oregon - Oregon Coast. Photo courtesy of The Yellow Desk.

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