Wednesday, June 3, 2020, Lakeshore Lodge
Alan Whitney, Julie Robbers, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Mike Shaw, Ken Robbers, Dee Drummond, Gary Drummond, Cathy Reiss, John Reiss.
Minutes from May 2020
Motion to approve made by Debbie Newman, 2nd by Julie Robbers. All were in favor. Minutes approved
President’s Report
Alan received an email from Mike Mader letting us know that he has located 4 large trees to be donated to the Creek Restoration Project (along with transportation of the trees).
We are going to need volunteers to help limb the trees.
No details on the date/time/location as of yet for the volunteers.
Vice President’s Report
To be discussed during the outreach portion of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Nothing new to report
Treasurer’s Report
The current account balance is $64,760.66
Creek Restoration donations – $1338.00
Raffle Tickets for bench – $300
Checking $64,710.09
Paypal $0
Savings Account $1.00
Cash on hand $49.57
Total Raised for Creek Restoration Project to date – $59,368.46
Total Expenses for Creek Restoration Project to date – $9347.00
Total Raised for 2020 Fireworks – $3208.81
John made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, Dee seconded. All were in favor.
Member at Large Report
Apple trees are blooming like a son of a beehive
Wake Ballast boats are creating wakes that are too large for our lake due to the homes located around the perimeter. The wakes are damaging wake barriers, docks, and floating homes.
TLBP Report
Still no new meetings since last reported
The first meeting since the quarantine will occur later this month
Outreach Committee
Earth Day Clean-Up
Went well
Held over the course of a week instead to allow socially distanced collection of lake debris
Large Item Pick Up
Scheduled for August 22
Membership Drive
Possibly over Labor Day weekend
Membership Report
John received the membership file from Rachel but is going to have to step down as the Membership officer as he does not have time to carry on with the position.
John proposed that we consider eliminating membership dues in lieu of fundraising instead of spending the time and effort to track down dues, garner new members, etc.
He also proposed a possible free membership so that we could still collect email addresses to send information out to the people interested
If we are to move forward with paid memberships, we’ll need to find a new Membership officer.
Creek Restoration Project
We will receive official authorization by July 8
Johnson Rock replied that they were too busy to send a bid on the job
Work will need to be done in the end of August or beginning of September
Billeter Marine gave a bid for approximately $48k
The bid includes rock, excavation, placing the logs, bank stabilization, materials, and labor
We have some logs donated, we needed 2 more
Mader purchased 2 more logs for $150 each (total $300)
We will need volunteers to help plant willow trees along the banks to help with erosion
There is a current blockage in the creek that was naturally occurring - some willows fell over into the creek
These will not hurt the project start date
They can be managed once the project is started
Board Liability Insurance
Able insurance has not had success finding us a plan yet, but they will be looking into 4-5 other plans to see what they can find
Wendy hasn’t been able to find anyone to cover us
We can get board liability insurance for $802/year, we are still looking to find liability insurance for the Creek Restoration
Lake Gauge Report
Lake gauge reeds 8’ 2” currently
New Business
We are expected to have a bad fire season this year
Lakefront homeowners are encouraged to check your fire pump and make sure it’s running
If soaking your home in preparation, it is said that a home would need to be soaked for 3 hours for it to stand up to a forest fire
Kat McBride has a golf cart that she would like to donate to be raffled off or sold to go towards the Creek Restoration Project.
John knows someone who might buy it and then those funds can go straight to the project
Cathy Reiss mentioned that Ringo’s received another boat donation that we can raffle off to go towards the Creek Restoration Project as well.
Alan made a motion to add Mike Shaw to be added to the TLA Bank account through First Community.
He would be added to the account as a third signer along with Debbie Newman and Alan Whitney who are already on the account.
John made a motion to approve Mike Shaw be added to the TLA bank account, Cathy seconded. All in favor.
Chair Raffle is still going on through Labor Day.
The hand-carved chair is located at Ringo’s Marina.
Tickets are available there as well
Meeting adjourned 7:17pm
The board needed a mid-meeting vote to hire the contractor for the Creek Restoration Project and to purchase Board Liability Insurance as well as Liability Insurance for the Creek Restoration Project. Below is the vital correspondence from the online vote:
[Blume Bauer, blumebauer@gmail.com]
Hello board,
Attached are the bids for the Creek Restoration work from Billeter Marine and Johnson Rock. I have also attached the insurance quotes for both Directors & Officers Insurance as well as the annual Liability Policy quote in which we will be voting on via email.
I'd like to make a proposal:
I, Blume Bauer, propose that Tenmile Lakes Association purchase Directors & Officers Insurance for $650 annually. I also propose that TLA purchase an annual liability policy that will cover both the Creek Restoration Project as well as our annual upcoming events for a total of $535/year.
In addition to the insurance proposal, I propose that we accept the Johnson Rock Bid on the Creek Restoration Project for a total of $40,163 flat rate for their scope of work provided within the bid (see attached).
If there are any questions, please reply all with your questions so that Alan (or whomever has the answer) can reply. If there are no questions and someone would like to second the motion, please do so by replying to all with a second for the aforementioned motion.
[Alan Whitney, whitsend46@hotmail.com]
2nd both proposals and agree.
[Julie Robbers, 0downlady@att.net]
I second this motion.
Julie Robbers
[Blume Bauer, blumebauer@gmail.com]
All in favor? Any opposed?
[Alan Whitney, whitsend46@hotmail.com]
In favor
[Julie Robbers, 0downlady@att.net]
I’m in favor
Julie Robbers
[Mike Shaw, mikeshawhms@gmail.com]
In favor, Mike Shaw
[Debbie Newman, petulakat@gmail.com]
in favor
The vote was unanimous, all in favor.