Wednesday, July 1, 2020, Lakeshore Lodge
Alan Whitney, Julie Robbers, Blume Bauer, Debbie Newman, Mike Shaw, Dee Drummond, John Reiss, Betty Ewing, Gerry Ewing
Minutes from June 2020
Motion to approve made by Debbie, 2nd by Mike. All were in favor. Minutes approved
President’s Report
Will discuss items further down in the agenda.
Vice President’s Report
To be discussed during the outreach portion of the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Nothing new to report
Treasurer’s Report
The current account balance is $65,387.46
Creek Restoration donations in June – $450
Raffle Tickets for bench in June – $30
Checking $65,336.89
Paypal $0
Savings Account $1.00
Cash on hand $49.57
Total Raised for Creek Restoration Project to date – $60,058.46
Total Expenses for Creek Restoration Project to date – $9347.00
Total Raised for 2020 Fireworks – $3208.81
Mike made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, Julie seconded. All were in favor. Treasurer’s report approved.
Mike and Alan will go to the bank next week and get Mike added as a signer on the account.
Member at Large Report
Apple trees are looking great.
TLBP Report
Resumed meeting last month (June) after taking a few months off due to the pandemic.
Bob Main is the new chairman of the board.
Sis Bio put in a bid to clean the lake
Will be making another presentation on July 7 at 9:30am to the Coos County Commissioners
Local presentation at TLBP office at 1pm
Outreach Committee
State of the Lakes
Still set for August 14th tentatively
Large Item Pick Up
Set for August 22
Blume to create a flyer
Membership Report
Alan proposed that we continue to accept membership dues but not worry about collecting them or following up on them.
Creek Restoration Project
Contracted with Johnson Rock
John said that they will have time lapse photography of the work done on the project.
It will only take a few days to complete once they begin.
Permit will be effective by July 8.
Two work parties will be needed to help trim trees of branches to prep them for installation.
John received another boat as a donation.
The boat is ready to be auctioned
2004 18’ Jetcraft fishing boat
Harry donated a tune up on the boat
Ringo’s Marina donated the clean up of the boat
Opening bid will be $15k
People will comment on the Facebook post to bid
Auction will end at noon on Friday, July 10
New Business
Think about what our next big project will be while we have momentum.
Wetland preservation
Dredge canal and/or increase the width
Meeting adjourned 7:25pm