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June 3 meeting

Alan Whitney

We are going to restart our monthly open meetings at Lakeshore Lodge 6PM on June 3. These are open to tne public. We will of course work with social distance. Fortunately everyone can always hear me. The LODGE would like a possible expected number to call in ahead so please let Julie or myself know or call the restaurant to let them know. here is agenda. TLA, Tenmile Lakes Association

meeting 06/03/2020 at Lakeshore Lodge 6PM


Call to Order

Board Roll Call and Introductions of members. Guests

Approval of minutes from 5/06/2020

President’s Report.

Vice-President’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report-

At Large Member’s Report

TLBP report

Committee Reports

Outreach -Julie Robbers

May History Dinner delayed/cancel

Wine and chocolate delayed/cancel

july 4 is a Saturday this year fireworks canceled, Snack shack canceled

August 14 is date for State of the lakes presentation. That makes August 22 as tentative date for Large item pickup.

Question A labor day membership drive with booths to sell used items?

Membership report – John Reiss

Old Business

Update on Tenmile Creek Restoration. We have gotten approval for our Large wood project for Tenmile Creek. It becomes official July 8. We are asking for bids to complete project.

Lake gauge report

Revision Of Bi-laws

Board Liability Insurance

New Business

Chair raffle going on at Ringo’s for creek restoration.


Alan Whitney

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