Meeting 08/05/2020 at Lakeshore Lodge 6PM
Call to Order
Board Roll Call and Introductions of members. Guests
Approval of minutes from 7/01/2020
President’s Report.
Vice-President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report-
At Large Member’s Report
TLBP report
Committee Reports
Outreach -Julie Robbers
August 14 is date for State of the lakes presentation. This has been canceled That makes August 22 as tentative date for Large item pickup.
Question A labor day membership drive with booths to sell used items?
Membership report – John Reiss needs replacement
Old Business
Update on Tenmile Creek Restoration. We have a signed contract with Johnson Rock for our Large wood project for Tenmile Creek. We have 4 trees down. City MOU expect sign soon after approved by city council.
Lake gauge report
Revision Of Bi-laws
Board Liability Insurance and board and officers insurance authorized. Need liability for 15 years.
Chair raffle going on at Ringo’s for creek restoration. Boat sale was for $18,000.
New Business
Lake improvement meeting with County Commissioners Aug 12 to discuss how to progress with Blue Green algae treatment.
August meeting will be fiscal year end meeting. Therefore if anyone wants to run for board seats they should let us know or if anyone wants to resign or change jobs. We will take nominations and vote.